“In a setting separate from their daily routine, with an opportunity to shed the expectations and pressures of others, campers are freed up to truly be themselves, to live above artificial limitations and blossom into who they were created to be.” http://thepowerofcamp.com/

Have you ever had to reset one of your electronic devices? It had simply gotten too jammed with too many photos, info or apps and needed to get cleared away to once again set off into its purpose. Well that is one of the benifits of a season at a camp.
As stated in the opening paragraph, camp serves as a atmosphere void of the daily expectations, pressures or roles participants have in their daily routines. In a well planned camp program, participants will be able to step out of their comfort zones, creating an atmosphere of great potential for overcoming their fears of the unknown, learning, reflecting and setting new challenges.
Added to this, the opportunity to see and hear the Gospel in not only the Bible studies but also amongst staff, in the program and abundantly through nature, create a extremely unique and real setting for transformation.
With this impacting experience called CAMP behind participants, as they return home, a new set of parameters has been established in their minds and behaviors and for those that take advantage of this, a launch of their new selves happens setting them forwards to new horizons in life.